Samstag, 22. Januar 2011

This is similarly what I wore today on this wonderful lazy saturday to run some errands.
Comfy Cheap Monday skinny, big warm cardigan, brown lipstick and my new shoes - greenish-blue suede brogues from COS, unfortunately I didnt find any picture of them in the world wide web. Does anyone?

Bought some perfume oil for my aromalamp. Vanilla and Cinnamon leaves - theres nothing better than a yummie- smelling room!

Now I light some candles, drink some green tea and enjoy the saturday.

3 Kommentare:

  1. I am drinking green tea as i read your blog =)
    I love this look. I would wear something like this. =)

    I just posted the Seventh outfit for the I6L styling challenge.

    Seven of 30!


    -La Copine


  2. I love lazy weekends. Unfortunately, I spent most of mine spring cleaning. You've inspired me to buy something to scent my house though, something to add to my shopping list for the house!

  3. Great outfit! As for your comment, I recently bought a grey jumper from COS, it looked great on me in-store so I'm hoping for the best when it arrives.

    Vincent x
